Breastfeeding During Pandemic.

As a breastfeeding advocate, it hurts so much to see newborns and babies less than 1-year-old suffering during this pandemic because of the lack of milk. I've been seeing a lot of posts asking for milk donation and as much as I want to help, we have a Milk Code to follow. Some let their babies drink coffee instead because they can't afford to buy formula milk. And by posting this blog this is the least I can do to somehow help. Because informed is best.

Importance of breastfeeding especially during pandemic. Breastfeeding pinay.

My daughter Zoe is about to turn 5 years old this coming June yet she's still exclusively breastfed. You can read my story. I don't have an abundant milk supply but because of my strong-will to breastfeed Zoe, I was able to pump and collect stash for her until 1 year old while she's direct feeding too. There are lots of ways to boost your supply. From keeping yourself hydrated, to eating lots of malunggay and there are so many other ways.  As the saying goes, if there's a will there's a way. 

Yes, breastfeeding is a choice. But I hope pregnant moms will choose to breastfeed and equip themselves with knowledge so that they can sustain to breastfeed their little from birth up to 1,000 days or even just for the first 6 months.

I've made my research and now let's talk about the 3 top main reasons why mothers don't breastfeed their child.

Reasons why a mother don't breastfeed

Lack of knowledge about Breastfeeding.

As for my breastfeeding journey, equipping myself with knowledge helped me a lot. From the right latching positions, why is colostrum important, signs that my milk is enough, how to hand express, when can I start pumping and the list goes on.  

Do research about breastfeeding as early as possible. I hope you'll equip yourself with knowledge. So you can decide whether to breastfeed or not to breastfeed. There are lots of resources available on the net. You just need to educate yourself because I believe that INFORMED IS BEST. 

I am also hoping that the government and DOH can work hand in hand to have more seminars and projects about breastfeeding after this pandemic. This can be a big help to all pregnant women and first-time moms. Prioritizing the poorest of the poor. 

Lack of a support system. 

Family plays a big role in choosing to breastfeed. If you're not committed enough and the people around you are not supportive of your choice. You can easily be swayed to ditch breastfeeding. You need all the support you can get. Join breastfeeding groups. They can offer you some advice, help, tips, and guidance. 

Breastfeeding is both emotionally and physically tiring but if you have the right support system you can have a successful breastfeeding journey. Let's be real, not until we normalize breastfeeding it will be a tough battle to spread breastfeeding awareness. Read my breastfeeding in public posts.

Not enough milk supply.

We're not all the same, there are moms who are blessed with abundant supply and some don't. So you don't need to be discouraged because you're capable of nourishing your child. Your breasts will only continue producing milk if you allow your baby to nurse on them. So if they don't latch on you, why expect milk? You can't produce milk if your baby doesn't nurse on you. The key is an unlimited latch. 

All mothers can produce milk because we all have mammary glands. So let's debunk the myth that "you don't have milk". Motivation, Dedication, and Commitment are key. 

There are probably hundreds of other reasons I could add to this list as to why one decided not to breastfeed their child. But during this pandemic, I hope it can be an eye-opener on how important breastfeeding is. It is 100% free. You just need to be dedicated and committed to nourishing your child with your golden milk. 
Please know that I am not saying that you're less of a mother for not breastfeeding. 

Importance of breastfeeding during pandemic. Breastfeeding pinay.

Advantages of breastfeeding 

  • Breastmilk is the most complete source of naturally balanced nutrition available for your baby. The only food an infant needs during the first six months of life is breast milk.
  • Breast milk is FREE and easier for babies to digest than formula.
  • Breastmilk contains antibodies that protect your baby from illness.
  • Breastfeeding is so convenient. There are no bottles to wash, sterilize, or prepare. My favorite advantage. Strike anywhere. 

You see, these are just some of the advantages of breastfeeding and there are still more. So why not breastfeed especially now that we are currently on a lockdown? 

If you know a mom struggling because they can't buy formula milk, advise them about relactation. It's hard, it is not easy and it takes a few weeks. It's not a quick fix. But it is possible and it's totally worth it. Instead of asking for milk donations. 

If you have a question about breastfeeding, you can send me a message. I'm not a breastfeeding consultant but I'll help as much and I can connect you with consultant too if you wish.

To my fellow breastfeeding moms, let's not feel superior just because we're breastfeeding our child. Instead, let's be an inspiration. Let's help each other. Let's be kind. After all, we only want what's best for our child. Stay safe and healthy!

If you know a pregnant mother, please share this post so that they can be informed. Breastfeed on, mommas!

Mommy Gen 

Importance of breastfeeding during pandemic. Breastfeeding pinay.

Let's hang out!